MVault 0.0.1
No Matches

Custom type storage inside the vault

Since Vault is built on the unordered_multimap from stl, in order to store data inside std::unordered_multimap, a hashing function from stl must be defined for this data type. The comparison operator and the less operator must also be defined.
To use the type inside the Vault, you need to specialize the struct std::hash<T> structure for your type.
Inside this function, you need to define an operator() that accepts your type std::size_t operator()(const T& dat) const.
You should also specialize friend bool operator==(const T& a, const T& b) and friend bool operator<(const T& a, const T& b).

Example for std::vector<int>

Since the comparison operator and the less operator are defined for the default class, it is not necessary to define them additionally.
Let's define the structure for the class of the vector of integers:

template <>
struct std::hash<std::vector<int>>
std::size_t operator()(const std::vector<int>& vec) const
std::size_t seed = vec.size();
for(auto& i : vec)
seed ^= i + 0x9e3779b9 + (seed << 6) + (seed >> 2);
return seed;

Example for custom class

Let's say you need to save the human class in the Vault. There are 3 fields in this class:

  • Age - integer
  • Name - string
  • Gender - bool

The class will look like this:

class Human
int Age = -1;
std::string Name = "";
bool Gender = true;
friend std::hash<Human>;
friend bool operator==(const Human& a, const Human& b);
friend bool operator<(const Human& a, const Human& b);

Then the hashing functionality will look like this:

template <>
struct std::hash<Human>
std::size_t operator()(const Human& human) const
return std::hash<int>()(human.Age) + std::hash<std::string>()(human.Name) + std::hash<bool>()(human.Gender);

Then the operator== will look like this:

bool operator==(const Human& a, const Human& b)
if (a.Age == b.Age && a.Name == b.Name && a.Gender == b.Gender) return true;
else return false;

Then the operator< will look like this:

bool operator<(const Human& a, const Human& b)
if (a.Age < b.Age) return true;
if (a.Age == b.Age)
if (a.Name < b.Name) return true;
if (a.Name == b.Name && a.Gender < b.Gender) return true;
return false;

We will also define the functionality for printing the human class

template <>
std::string mvlt::ToString(const Human& human) noexcept
std::string res = "Name:" + human.GetName() + ", Age:" + std::to_string(human.GetAge()) + ", Gender:";
if (human.GetGender())
res += "Man";
res += "Woman";
return res;
std::string ToString(const T &data) noexcept
A template method for providing an interface converting any type to a string.
Definition ToString.h:75

Usage example

vlt.AddKey("Human", Human());
vlt.CreateRecord({ {"Human", Human(167, "Ciolkovskiy", true)} });
vlt.CreateRecord({ {"Human", Human(190, "Mendeleev", true)} });
vlt.CreateRecord({ {"Human", Human(174, "Kovalevskaya", false)} });
A class for storing data with the ability to quickly search for a variety of different keys of any ty...
Definition Vault.h:33
VaultOperationResult CreateRecord(const std::vector< std::pair< std::string, VaultParamInput > > &params) noexcept
Method to create new VaultRecord.
Definition Vault.cpp:402
void PrintAsTable(bool isPrintId=false, const std::size_t &amountOfRecords=-1, std::string primaryKey="", const bool &isReverse=false, const std::list< std::string > keys={}) const noexcept
A method for displaying the contents of a Vault as a table on the screen.
Definition Vault.cpp:709
VaultOperationResult AddKey(const std::string &key, const T &defaultKeyValue, const bool &isUniqueKey, const bool &isUniqueKeyWithoutLambda, std::function< T(std::size_t, const VaultRecordRef &)> uniqueKeyFunction) noexcept
Template method to add new key with default value to Vault.
Definition Vault.hpp:355

And a result:

| Human |
| Name:Kovalevskaya, Age:174, Gender:Woman |
| Name:Mendeleev, Age:190, Gender:Man |
| Name:Ciolkovskiy, Age:167, Gender:Man |
(3 records)