| VaultRecord () noexcept |
| Default constructor.
| VaultRecord (const VaultRecord &other) noexcept |
| Copy constructor.
VaultRecord & | operator= (const VaultRecord &other) noexcept |
| Assignment operator.
| VaultRecord (VaultRecord &&other) noexcept |
| Move constructor.
VaultRecord & | operator= (VaultRecord &&other) noexcept |
| Move assignment operator.
void | AddRef () noexcept |
| A method for increasing the number of references to an object.
void | RemoveRef () noexcept |
| A method to reduce the number of references to an object.
void | Invalidate () noexcept |
| A method to indicate that the record is no longer valid and is not inside Vault.
bool | GetIsValid () const noexcept |
| A method for checking whether a record is inside a Vault.
void | RemoveFromDependentSets () noexcept |
| A method for removing record from all dependent VaultRecordSets.
void | AddToDependentSets (VaultRecordSet *vaultRecordSet) noexcept |
| A method for adding an record to a vaultRecordSet and adding a vaultRecordSet to dependent sets.
void | EraseDependentSet (VaultRecordSet *vaultRecordSet) noexcept |
| A method for erasing an record from a vaultRecordSet and erasing a vaultRecordSet from dependent sets.
template<class T > |
void | UpdateDependentSets (const std::string &key, const T &data) noexcept |
| A method for updating the position of a record within all dependencies.
iterator | begin () noexcept |
| Begin provides access to the Data iterator.
const_iterator | cbegin () const noexcept |
| Cbegin provides access to the Data const_iterator.
iterator | end () noexcept |
| End provides access to the Data iterator.
const_iterator | cend () const noexcept |
| Cend provides access to the Data const_iterator.
void | AddData (const std::string &key, const T &data) noexcept |
| Template method for adding a new data to the container.
void | AddData (const std::string &key, const T &data, F &&deleteFunc) noexcept |
| Template method for adding a new data to the container and a function to delete this data.
void | AddDataFromDataSaver (const std::string &key, const DataSaver &dataSaver) noexcept |
| Method for adding a new data to the container.
void | SetData (const std::string &key, const T &data) noexcept |
| Method for changing the value of a data inside a container using a key.
void | SetData (const std::string &key, const T &data, F &&deleteFunc) noexcept |
| Method for changing the value of a data inside a container using a key.
void | SetDataFromDataSaver (const std::string &key, const DataSaver &dataSaver) noexcept |
| Method for changing the value of a data inside a container using a key.
bool | SetDataFromString (const std::string &key, const std::string &str) noexcept |
| Method for setting data by key.
bool | GetData (const std::string &key, T &data) const noexcept |
| Method for getting data from a container using a key.
bool | GetDataSaver (const std::string &key, DataSaver &dataSaver) const noexcept |
| Method for getting dataSaver from a container using a key.
bool | GetDataAsString (const std::string &key, std::string &str) const noexcept |
| Method for getting data converted to string from a container using a key.
bool | IsData (const std::string &key) const noexcept |
| A method for checking whether data with such a key is in the container.
void | EraseData (const std::string &key) noexcept |
| Function for erasing data from a container.
void | Clear () noexcept |
| Method for clear all data inside container.
std::size_t | Size () const noexcept |
| Method for getting the container size.
A class for storing data inside Vault.
It is a wrapper over the Data Hash Map, but adds a functionality to invalidate VaultRecordRef's pointing to an object of this class.
The functionality from HashMap stores allows you to store data of any type and provide access to them using string keys.